whatever is alive right now | with ELISHA JANE

To Rise In Freedom by Elisha Jane

November 11, 2021 Elisha Jane
whatever is alive right now | with ELISHA JANE
To Rise In Freedom by Elisha Jane
Show Notes

👁️I will not compromise the children's future for short term gains, travel, or non-essential luxuries

👁️I will not subject my body to a global experiment for the sake of compliance, social acceptance, or to prove my virtue

👁️I will not allow mental dis-ease, propaganda, manipulation, or coercion dictate my decisions

👁️I will not poison myself with a cocktail of chemicals unknown to satiate your need for safety

👁️I will not be bullied into conformity to appease the public eye 

👁️I will not turn a blind eye to the darkness, corruption, and discord

👁️I will not pretend like censorship is a path worth taking

👁️I will not sacrifice my body autonomy for anyone

👁️I will not uphold mandates that go against all logic, sense, and reason

👁️I will not stay home, self isolate, or wear a mask; I am not sick!

👁️I will not complacently follow orders and authority ESPECIALLY knowing that they are incentivized by financial gain and agenda gone wrong

👁️I will not acquiesce to broken systems that have long outrun their time

👁️I will not segregate or discriminate against anyone for anything they choose

👁️I will not perpetuate division

👁️I will not live in fear


👁️I will stand up for Freedom in all my glorious sovereignty

👁️I will HOLD strongly to my free will

👁️I will uphold the TRUTH of health, wellness, and vitality

👁️I will encourage everyone to breathe freely, hug, and connect

👁️I will fight for myself and I will fight for the children

👁️I will do my best to deprogram myself and release the insidious indoctrination

👁️I will teach Consciousness… In hopes to remind everyone of their True Nature and the true nature of all things

👁️I will guide people back to understanding that nothing lives outside of them, the Universe is within

👁️I will remind everyone of their sovereignty, power, and strength

👁️I will continue to seek for the highest Truth and share it loudly and freely

👁️I will honour those who stand up for what’s right and choose a path toward the light

👁️I will choose Love, over and over again

👁️To rise, in Freedom, together.🙏

Love Elisha